What do I find on the watchlist page?
On the watchlist page, you will find the items you are interested in, divided into “Auctions expiring”, “Auctions won/lost today”, “Auctions closed”.
Auctions expiring : From here you can monitor both the current value of the auction if you are interested in making a bid in bulk and that of individual lots.
The auctions in this section are divided into auctions expiring "today" and "future".
Auctions won/lost today: Lots that have just closed automatically move to the “Auctions won today” and “Auctions lost today” sections. They will remain there for 24 hours and then they will go to the personal page of "Won/Lost lots" depending on the result of the auction.
Closed auctions: When an auction that you had entered in your Watchlist, among your observed objects, closes, it automatically moves to this section and then reappears in the “Expiring Auctions” section when the next experiment is opened.